Friday, September 21, 2012

Digital Marketing Trading Eco System : the stock brokers are here

Some times you feel that the digital marketing ecosystem in India is not evolving, but then you are hit by a train and thats make you get up and realize that India is and has always been a leapfrogging country... 

The train that hit me some time back was the "Trading Desk" culture creeping into the digital marketing eco system. 

Just so that all of us are on the same page here is an info graphic by pretarget of a  trading desk in the digital ecosystem compared to the traditional stock brokers. I found it very interesting. 

This is what was interesting to me in the above image."Stock brokers ----> trading desk". why you may ask, two reasons... One that it will open job opportunities for people in the traditional trading industry to try their analytical skills in an industry which is hugely deficient in their kind of resource and secondly it will also get measurability back into the mind set of traditional advertisers in a big way. Things like ROI, Investment, performance, "best bang for the buck"  etc. will be back in flavor. 

My only worry is that trading desk in the traditional eco system are also plagued by the ill's of the eco system, not transparent, fraud, insider trading, circular trading etc. I am seeing some of it also creeping in as the larger corporation (Agencies) are already feeling the heat from independent trading desks and are setting up their own similar outfits in the name of "demand side platforms" and " Single buying windows", dont know how that will pan out but the frog-leaping continues....

Some Interesting links to some players in the indian eco system are mentioned below. 

1. Xaxis : WPP's trading desk 
2. Komli Atom : DSP & RTB platform 
3. Vizury : RTB platform 
4. Rubicon : RTB & DSP platform 
5. Appnexus : DSP